About Me

Edendale, Southland, New Zealand
Hello! We are Room Kea from Edendale Primary School Southland. Currently we have 15 wonderful children in our class. We are the school where children take what they think is impossible and make it possible, where children see what wonderful potential they have and begin setting big goals for their lives. To achieve this at Edendale Primary School our children will be...... confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Week 6
The concert is swiftly approaching us.  Once you have organised your child’s costume could you please bring it to class in a named plastic bag.
Don’t forget goal review conversations this week. This is a chance for you to look through your child’s report book, see their progress towards their goal and for them to show you around the room.
Could all library books come back this week please.  Many children have books overdue books.
Swimming will carry on this week . Next week may be out last time due to concert practise.
I look forward to seeing you over the next few days.
Once again thank you to everyone who has been helping with swimming, we couldn’t go without you.
Abby de Groot

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Sports Uniform notice-
PLEASE return all outstanding sports uniforms to class ASAP!
An invoice will be coming home with your child if you have not done so all ready.
It's an important time of the year for returning things and sorting out any outlying invoices.

Goal reviews-
Invitations for the Child Led Gaol Review evenings are coming home today with an allocated time slot and day. Look in your child's book bag for this notice.
If you cannot make it on the day selected please let me know.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011


This term we have been learning about INDIA!
Our big question was -
'How would my life be the same of different if I lived in India?'

We have been focusing on the Indian slums, their Bolly Wood styled dance, traditional patterns, clothing and food.
Room 1 has found this very interesting with many of the children deciding that India is not a place they would like to live after learning about the slums.
Alice Holland has been creating and teaching us about rangoli patterns as she has been to India twice.


Reuben Patterson

Room One has been learning about a famous NZ artist called Reuben Patterson. We have been focussing on his amazing glitter  art work. After seeing a piece of his work on the "Arts Road Show bus'' we were interested in learning more.
Reuben Patterson
Reuben uses his Maori background as a focus for much of his work. The koru is throughout many of his glitter pieces. He has also gone onto printing his work on to clothing creating jackets and pants out of glitter fabric.

Here are some of our takes on his work!
Aaron and Brenton

Daisy and Zac


Kody and Paige

Maddy and Asha

Olivia and Gabby


Rayden and Noah

Sky and Sophie

Tarquin and Malachai

if you would like to see more of Reuben's work visit http://www.reubenpaterson.com/

Week 5! WOW!

We have a busy few weeks ahead of us before the Christmas holidays.
Room One have been working hard learning about India, Swimming, subtraction in maths, their weekly sight words and reading and writing. All of which you will be able to see in their ARB books at the upcoming Gaol Reviews.
They are excited to share their work with youJ
A few important dates to remember-
·        Wednesday the 30th November to Friday 2nd December- Child-Led Goal Reviews, and Achievement Reporting Books issued at each.
        You will receive an invitation to this soon.

·        Wednesday the 14th December- School Matinee, 1pm.
·        Thursday the 15th December- Evening Concert and Prizegiving, 7pm.

Thank you to all the parents who have been helping with swimming this term. It’s been great to have so many helpers in the pool!

Next week is our last library session for the term. Could you please have a hunt around the house for school library books. It is important that all the books are returned before stock take begins. Your child should have no more than two at home.

Have a great week J

Abby de Groot

Monday, 7 November 2011

Week 3!!!!!!

Monday 7th November
What a stunning day today is after from what I head was a shocking weekend. I headed up to Wanaka on Friday to experience a lovely 22 degree’s; I’m pleased today is so nice.
·         Firstly- Swimming. My apologies to the parents I frantically rang this morning cancelling swimming. Glenham School is using our pool for the next month which caused a slight timetable clash. Our days have stayed the same, the time has changed.
Room One Swimming times-
Monday 11:30- 12:30
Thursday 11:30- 12:30
As swimming is in reading time I will be shuffling around our class timetable to make sure we don’t miss reading twice a week for the rest of the term. This means that once a week your child will bring home a book they have already read to practice on the day where reading has been missed
·         Welcome to Terell who has joined our class today J
·         I will be sending a note home in the next few weeks about our concert costume allowing you enough time to organise this. (Will be everyday clothes but your child will have a certain coloured T-shirt to wear and either, pants, shorts, skirt etc.)
·         Please look on last week’s news letter about whether you need to send money to school to purchase a new writing book for your child. They are 90cents and a very important part of Room One’s routine.
·         If anyone managed to take some stunning pics of pet day please send them to my email abby@endendaleps.school.nz
I will be uploading the few I took onto the class blog – room1kea@blogspot.com

Have a fab week everyone! Long may the sunshine last!!!!

Abby de Groot