About Me

Edendale, Southland, New Zealand
Hello! We are Room Kea from Edendale Primary School Southland. Currently we have 15 wonderful children in our class. We are the school where children take what they think is impossible and make it possible, where children see what wonderful potential they have and begin setting big goals for their lives. To achieve this at Edendale Primary School our children will be...... confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.

Friday, 19 August 2011


Well done to everyone for singing your hearts out and giving an awesome show....
I am soooo proud of Room 1, not only did they sing they stood beautifully and managed to keep a smile on their faces (even when the stage was covered in vomit)

A big thanks to Jenny for being our last minute conductor and to all the staff for the hard work they were doing in the wings.

Thank you to all the parents for showing your support towards the school and your children, the kids were mega excited to show you what they have been working on so it was really nice to see so many parents.

I will be uploading pics of your talented children ASAP. If anyone has some stunners on their camera feel free to email them through to me at abby @edendaleps.school.nz

Back to normal school programme next week- make sure to check your child's bag for notices as we have been completing lots of 6 week assessments this week which require a follow up interview.

Have an awesome weekend everyone, stay safe on the frosty roads and enjoy a sleep in...you deserve it :)

Miss de Groot :)

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

week 2 news letter

Hello,                                            WEEK 2!
These next two weeks are going to be full on with music practise. Remember tickets are limited number so first in first served.

Please could your child bring a pair of sunglasses to class so we can practise our dance moves for our song

We have started using a poetry book this term in Room1. Every Friday your child will bring home their books to show you the poems we have been learning, after practising it for the week they should be able to read it to you.

Sadly Jordan is leaving us the week, it was nice having you in Room1 Jordan. Good luck at your new school.

Have a great week everyone!

Abby de Groot